GRIDSEC 2024: Symposium on Co-Creation – Cybersecurity Research Community for Transmission and Grid Operations


20 Jan 24
All Day

Power Sector is under transition from a conventional vertically held utility towards a geographically distributed renewable energy generation systems. These IT instrumented systems increasingly face sophisticated cyber risks and potential attacks on power infrastructure have brought these cybersecurity risks to power grids as a prominent national security agenda.

To address this, Power Grid Corporation of India Ltd (POWERGRID) in collaboration with Indian Institute of Science, Bangalore have setup POWERGRID Centre of Excellence in Cybersecurity (PGCoE) for transmission and grid operations (Please visit Home: PGCoE- ( An investment of 119 crores over a 10 year period has been planned for cutting edge research for cybersecurity in electric power transmission and grid operations.

The objectives of PGCoE are:

Ø To enable continuous R&D on cyber security program matching with emerging requirement in the field of transmission and grid operation that would lay a strong foundation for achieving excellence in Cyber security of Operational Infrastructure.

Ø This facility would engage in R&D aspects of cyber security of power system including security analytics for threat intelligence, situation awareness, incident response, competency building, development of defence systems for potential future cyber attacks.

Ø CoE envisioned to act as a nodal center and think tank for cyber security concerns in Power Sector and to bring in experts from academia, research laboratories and utility industry together under one umbrella.

The broad scope of PGCoE covers Preparedness (compliant and audit frameworks, tools based situational awareness), Intervention (Research, standards based Design & Development), Accountability (pilot deployment, testing tools deployment, supply chain security) and Skills development (Training, capacity building).

With an objective to network with the community of researchers and professionals engaged in the area of cybersecurity aligned with PGCoE objectives, a symposium titled, “GRIDSEC 2024: Symposium on Co-Creation – Cybersecurity Research Community for Transmission and Grid Operations” is being organised by PGCoE at Indian Institute of Science, Bangalore on January 20, 2024. Through this symposium, we would be creating a consortium of experts, from academia, national labs and industry. The modalities of the consortium will be deliberated. The goal of the symposium is to identify the problems to be addressed that could be used by Transmission and grid operators of the country. Potential short-term (1-2 years), Medium term (3-5 years), and long-term (>5 years) problem statements and people who would be interested in strongly contributing to the development of solutions in a mission mode will be identified. Subsequently, a call for proposals will be announced for the identified problem statements which will be open only to the registered consortium partners by the end of January 2024.

We cordially invite you to participate in the symposium. There is no registration fee, however, registration is mandatory. Your travel (economy airfare) and accommodation will be reimbursed as per govt. of India norms. Please register for the symposium before January 05, 2024. The participation is only by invitation so please refrain from forwarding

GridSecurity 2024-Agenda-20012024 (1).docx
