With the increase in the number of cyber incidents & sophisticated cyber-attacks on the power infrastructure makes POWERGRID cybersecurity a top national priority. Despite improvements in the cyber defences the attacker goals are shifting from disruption to destruction.
POWERGRID cyber security program will follow two-pronged approach supporting one sustainable & other disruptive change.
In the view of the above reasons POWERGRID Corporation of India is collaborating with IISc to setup Cyber Security Centre of Excellence covering broad scope as Preparedness (audit frameworks & Tools), Intervention (Research, standard based Design & Development) , Accountability (pilot deployment, tool development) & Skill development.
The center will act as a nodal center and think tank where cyber security experts from academia, national research & development labs, industries will work together to address cyber security concerns related to power grids.
Cyber Security in transmission and grid operations is critical in today’s digital era. Development of robust defenses against cyber security are paramount importance in maintaining reliable power supply. Continuous collaborative research involving academics and industries for development of cyber resilient systems as well as capacity building is need of the hour towards creating a safe and secure grid.
The Centre focuses on the Preparedness through assessment framework, Intervention through research & development, Accountability through technology development & Competency building through human resources development. Center plans to use two-pronged approaches one continuous sustainable improvement & two disruptive changes to meet the goal (People, Process & Technologies) of becoming world class center.